Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Three bones!

An Irish father was seeing his son off on a steamship where the lad was going to a new land with the intention of seeking his fortune in a new way of life.
"Now, Michael, my boy," said the father as they parted, "remember the three bones, and ye'll always get along all right."

A stranger standing nearby overheard the remark, and when the ship was underway, he asked the old gentleman what the three bones he referred to in his parting advice to his son.

"Sure, now," responded the old Irishman, "and wouldn't it be the wishbone and the jawbone and the backbone? It's the wishbone that keeps you going after things, and it's the jawbone that helps you find out how to go after them if you are not too proud to ask a question when there's something you don't know, and it's the backbone that keeps you at it until you get there."

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